The Planas Laws and Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation (N.O.R)
3 webinars
Carlos de Salvador Planas
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Course program:
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About the online course
The course will cover the definition of neuro-occlusionary rehabilitation, the functional masticatory angle, the basic elements of neuro-occlusionary rehabilitation, the laws of Planas and much more. Clinical cases from practice will be presented to your attention as an illustrative example of the application of the concept.
Carlos de Salvador Planas
  • Dr.Carlos de Salvador Planas was licensed in Medicine and obtained his specialty degree in Dentistry in 1986. In 1994, obtained a PhD title for his work on Development of the Stomatognathic System and Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation by the University of Barcelona.
  • He is the current president of CIRNO-Pedro Planas Spanish Association and scientific co-director of the International Federation of Pedro Planas Associations.
  • Since the beginning of is career, due to his direct family relationship with Prof. Planas, he develops his professional activity at Dentoclinic private practice. Where he continues with the work of Prof. Planas both at the healthcare level as well as training professionals who wish to learn about Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation.
  • For this reason, he actively participates in numerous conferences and dictates courses on this subject. But the most intense training activity is the one carried out in the Dentoclinic dental office, which Dr. Planas himself already organized as a center for the training of N.O.R., carrying out practical courses since 1989 with students from different countries.
President of CIRNO-Pedro Planas Spanish Association and scientific co-director of the International Federation of Pedro Planas Associations.
Participation format
Online lectures will be added to your personal account, and you can also download your certificate there.
Online lectures
An online lecture in the format of a webinar in which the lecturer will analyze all the stated topics.
During the lecture, real cases will be considered and treatment protocols will be shown.
All participants of the event will receive a certificate of participation in the lectures.
Course Program
The course contains 3 lectures from an Italian specialist.
Lesson 1
"What is Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation (N.O.R)?"
Carlos de Salvador Planas
NOR was introduced by Professor Pedro Planas in his book, which its first edition was edited in Barcelona in 1986 (Pedro Planas: Rehabilitación Neuro-Oclusal, Ed. Salvat). This book represented all his professional experience. In 1992 he made a summary of this professional projects in the entrance speech at the Royal Academy of Medicine of Barcelona.

In these texts, he reflected his concerns about "solving the periodontal problem". He considered that a fundamental part of the etiology of this problem was non-balanced occlusion, especially when analyzing functional movements during mastication.

He also observed the importance of mastication in the development process and functional adaptation, which are key to achieve an occlusal balance.

The analysis and study of mastication is explained through the definition of the Planas Functional Masticatory Angle (PFMA).

At the beginning of his career, Professor Planas tried to adapt existing treatment methods to achieve his goals. However, lately he ended up developing his own treatment methodology which became really important in a wide range of treatment areas:

  • Orthodontics: By molding child development to reach both esthetic and functional results through an appropiate balanced occlusion. In these interventions is fundamental to treat the patient through masticatory functional stimulation at a very early age (temporary dentition). Nevertheless, it is even applicable to adult patients.
  • Prosthodontics: In full mouth and complex rehabilitations, besides an appropriate esthetic result accepted by the patient, the goal is to obtain a final occlusion as balanced as possible so the patient will benefit from an improved masticatory function, a general health condition and quality of life.
  • Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ): Finally, an important treatment field is the one derived from Temporo-Mandibular Disorders (TMD). A fundamental factor to treat these dysfunctions will always be to achieve a correct masticatory function through a balanced occlusion.
Unfortunately, often times some new treatment modalities are negligent to occlusion and ignore masticatory function in the final result. Our treatment philosophies do not intend to rival with modern treatment protocols or new dental technologies.
Lesson 2
Masticatory Physiology: "The Planas Laws"
Carlos de Salvador Planas
Professor Planas described masticatory physiology through what he defined as laws. What is interesting about this laws for the clinician, is what they do from a pure clinical stand point. That is why you will be able to apply them immediately in your patients.
We will speak about three main concepts:

  • Minimal Vertical Dimension Law: This law explains the Centric Relation position as well as the initial and final position of the masticatory cycle. We will determine which are the occlusal conditions that drive the mandible to a determined centric position.
  • Planas Functional Masticatory Angle: It explains the masticatory efficiency of the patient. It allows the clinician to compare the masticatory function in both sides of the mouth. It will help the clinician to identify unilateral mastication patterns and its derived problems.
  • Planas Development Laws: It will allow us to understand how masticatory function models morphology and function of the elements of the masticatory system. We will see how mastication will model maxillo-mandibullar bone bases and TMJ function. Also, Development Laws will explain how to guide and orient determined dental movements as well as how will model and establish the occlusal plane.
Lesson 3
"Main treatment elements of NOR"
Carlos de Salvador Planas
During this course, we will define the treatment elements that we utilize to control our patient's development inside our orthodontic treatment concepts. Although, we have to say that Professor Planas insisted in not understanding these treatments as orthodontic methods, but rather as the application of a concept that leads balanced occlusion through functional development.
We will speak about three main treatment elements:

  • Selective grinding or Occlusal Balancing: With the application of this technique we try to mold and adapt the tooth occlusal surfaces. It can be done in permanent dentition but it will be especially interesting in temporary dentition. With this we will be able to control masticatory function and optimize occlusion to a better balance.
  • Direct Tracks with composite resin: Following the same concept explained above, we can mold the occlusal surface of each tooth through additive techniques. This will allow us to control masticatory function and the mandibular position of the patient. This technique is usually applied in temporal dentition.
  • Planas Appliances: Finally, we will introduce the Planas Appliances. We will start describing the Appliances with Tracks, but we will specially insist in the mechanism of this appliances which is what determines its functionality to obtained a balanced occlusion.
The entire presentation will logically be supported by a series of examples and clinical cases that will help to understand these concepts.
"The Planas Laws and Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation (N.O.R)"
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