During our course you will get the answers to the following questions. Do current claimed "accelerated" orthodontic treatments meet these expectations? What can be said about treatment efficiency, arch expansion, periodontal health, and stability of treatment with self-ligating brackets compared to conventional edgewise brackets. What are the various design characteristics of TSADs? The various types of non-compliant devices will be introduced and we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. Also, during the course will be discussed the current scientific evidence regarding biomechanical considerations and clinical effectiveness of clear aligners.
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Course Program
Lately, accelerated orthodontics has been getting a lot of attention. Many patients want faster treatment results and to shorten their treatment time. During this presentation, these questions will be answered.
Do current claimed "accelerated" orthodontic treatments meet these expectations?
What are the current scientific evidences about this topic?
What are the pros and cons of accelerated orthodontics?
Due to an aggressive marketing effort, self-ligating brackets have been gaining popularity in the last couple of years. There have been many claims regarding the advantages of self-ligating brackets, including increased treatment efficiency and better hygiene.
Many research articles have shown that there was less friction with self-ligating brackets in the laboratory setting. However, it has been questioned whether applying the results from in-vivo studies to real clinical situations is appropriate or not.
The purpose of this presentation is to identify and review the orthodontic literature regarding treatment efficiency, arch expansion, periodontal health, and stability of treatment with self-ligating brackets compared to conventional edgewise brackets.
Anchorage control is one of the most challenging tasks in orthodontic treatment.
Many different types of appliances are used to control anchorage, but an excellent outcome may be difficult to achieve owing to either poor mechanics or inadequate patient compliance.
Recently, temporary skeletal anchorage devices (TSADs) have become popular in orthodontics.
Some orthodontic movements that are now possible using TSADs were previously considered almost impossible with traditional orthodontic appliances.
Several different types of TSAD are currently available, and in choosing between them, orthodontists are obliged to rely on the information provided by manufacturers, which is often not based on scientific evidence.
This presentation will discuss the various design characteristics of TSADs and provides up-to-date scientific evidence to assist orthodontists in selecting the best TSADs for their patients.
Thanks to the recent development of temporary skeletal anchorage devices (TADs), it is now possible to tackle some of the most difficult tooth movements.
TADs provide rigid anchorage that makes orthodontic treatment more efficient without much of the unwanted side effects.
Proper treatment plans along with a careful mechanics plan are still needed to obtain the best possible treatment results.
In this presentation, common biomechanical problems and mistakes related to TADs will be discussed.
Over the years, many techniques and appliances have been introduced to achieve predictable treatment for Class II malocclusion. Most of these techniques rely heavily on patient compliance.
However, patient cooperation is highly variable and unpredictable.
The purpose of this presentation is to introduce various types of non-compliant devices and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches.
The Invisalign appliance was first introduced to the public in the late 1990s by Align Technology as a novel method of straightening teeth without braces. Since then, Invisalign has made great progress in terms of treatment planning methods, materials, and manufacturing.
The company's powerful marketing has helped increase the public's demand for clear aligners to the point where Invisalign is an essential part of any orthodontic practice today. There haven't been many studies in terms of the capabilities and limitations of clear aligners.
This presentation will discuss the current scientific evidences regarding biomechanical considerations and clinical effectiveness of clear aligners.
Ki Beom Kim
Associate Professor and Clinical Director of the Department of Orthodontics, New Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale (Florida), United States.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Orthodontics, Saint Louis University, United States, from 2005 to 2011.
Graduated in the American Board of Orthodontics, 2011.
Residency in Orthodontics at Vanderbilt University (Nashville), United States, 2005.
Doctor of Orofacial Pain by Dankook University, South Korea, 2002.
Graduated in the American Board of Orofacial Pain, 2000.
Master in Dentistry by Dankook University, South Korea, 1995.
Residency in Oral Medicine and Temporomandibular Disorders by Dankook University, South Korea, 1995.
"Modern tricks for successful orthodontics"
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