Pediatric endodontics is an expanding part of pediatric dental practice. This lecture would focus on the retention of primary teeth until the normal exfoliation by one of the most common procedures i.e. Pulpotomy.
International certificate
Course Program
Primary teeth are important for mastication, providing space for the permanent teeth and guiding them into correct position, stimulating normal development of the facial bones and muscles, development of normal speech and contributing to the child's overall health.
Despite the modern advances in the prevention of dental caries and increased understanding of the importance of maintaining the natural dentition, many teeth are still lost prematurely. Hence, an attempt should always be made to carry out appropriate pulpal procedures in case of deep carious lesions in primary tooth to minimise the need for early extractions and its sequelae.
Pediatric endodontics is an expanding part of pediatric dental practice. This lecture would focus on the retention of primary teeth until the normal exfoliation by one of the most common procedures i.e. Pulpotomy.
Introduction to Pulpotomy.
Indications and Contraindications of Pulpotomy.
Step by step procedure.
Access opening.
Removal of coronal pulp.
Various agents for pulpotomy.
Case discussions.
Video demonstration.
Milind Shah
Author of the chapter "GENERAL ANESTHESIS IN PEDIATRIC DENTOMATOLOGY" in the textbook of pediatric dentistry by Dr. Nikhil Marv.
Best pediatric dentist of the year at the 2015 and 2016 Famdent Excellence in dentistry awards.
Pediatric dentist.
"Pulpotomy in primary teeth"
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