During our course you will get the answers to the following questions. Do current claimed "accelerated" orthodontic treatments meet these expectations? What can be said about treatment efficiency, arch expansion, periodontal health, and stability of treatment with self-ligating brackets compared to conventional edgewise brackets. What are the various design characteristics of TSADs? The various types of non-compliant devices will be introduced and we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches. Also, during the course will be discussed the current scientific evidence regarding biomechanical considerations and clinical effectiveness of clear aligners.
During these seminars
you will learn:
- «Accelerated Orthodontics»
- «Self-Ligating Brackets Systems: What do we know»
- «Temporary Skeletal Anchorage Devices: Understanding the Design Characteristics»
- «TADs Biomechanical Mistakes»
- «Non-compliant Class II mechanics»
- «Clear Aligners: Empty promises or Wishful Thinking»