In Implant Rehabilitations in anterior areas we need to obtain the maximum aesthetics and functionality and keep them a lot.

But incisive zone is a critic zone in which we have often a lack of bone and soft tissue and when we approach to tooth extraction, Immediate or delayed implant position we need to manage hard and soft tissue.

There will be described several clinical situations in aesthetics area with dirrerent levels of difficulty analyzing them through clinical, functional and aesthetics parameters, and how to choose the best approach and the best profit from each procedures, to solve these cases with a lot of photos of every single step and video.

During these seminars you will learn:

  • «How to preserve and recreate in aesthetics areas. Literature Analysis»
  • «How to preserve and recreate in aesthetics areas. Clinical Cases»
  • «Socket Seal: when to use Connective Tissue Punch or Xenogenic Matrix»
  • «Correct Timing in Implant Therapy in Aesthetics Area»

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«Occlusal rehabilitation after TMD disorder treatment»

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